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Cassette Decks and Walkman Players (ON SALE)
Recommended Tubes List
Factory Direct PULSE
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6CG7 6FQ7
E80CC 6085
12AX7 ECC83 ECC803S E83CC 7025 CV4004 CV492 CV4035 M8137 M8214 6057 6681
ECC82 12AU7 E82CC ECC802S 5814 6189 6680 CV491 CV4003 CV4034 CV4113 CV4122 F6067 B749 M8136 13D4 13D5 13D8 7316
12AT7 ECC81 E81CC ECC801S 6201 6060 CV455 CV4024 CV4033 13D9
6DJ8 6922 7308 ECC88 E88CC E188CC CV2492 CV2493 CV4108 CV4110 E88CC_01 CV4109
6922 E88CC E88CC_01 CV2492 CV2493
6DJ8 ECC88
7308 E188CC CV4108 CV4110 CV4109
PCC88 7DJ8
12BH7 13D6
EF86 6267 EF806S CV2901 CV4085 CV4086 M8195
6SL7 ECC35 CV1985 CV569 VT229 5691
6SN7 5692 CV1988 VT-231
E180CC 7062
E182CC 7119
ECC31 CV1285
Power Tubes
6BQ5 EL84 E84L 7189 7320
EL34 6CA7 E34L
6V6 VT-107
6L6 6L6GB 5881 6L6GC
6550 KT-88
6K6GT VT-152
6AS7 6080 5998 CV2894 6080WA for WOO AUDIO Atma-Sphere DIY
5U4 5U4G 5U4GA 5U4WG 5931
5V4 GZ32 CV593
5Y3 5Y3GT CV1856 U50
6X4 CV493 EZ90 U78 CV4005 CV4001 6063 6X4WA
6X5 VT-126
EZ80 6V4 CV1535
GZ34 5AR4
EZ81 6CA4 UU12 CV5072
Prem Tubes (MULLARD-BRIMAR-GENALEX) F/Leads Plug&Play
Flying Leads Plug&Play CV4035 - Premium 12AX7 ECC83 ECC803S E83CC 7025 CV4004 CV492 M8137 M8214 6057 type.
Flying Leads Plug&Play CV4034 - Premium 12AU7 ECC82 E82CC ECC802S 5814 6189 6680 CV491 CV4003 CV4113 CV4122 F6067 B749 M8136 13D5 7316 type.
Flying Leads Plug&Play CV4033 - Premium 12AT7 ECC81 E81CC ECC801S 6201 6060 CV455 CV4024 type.
Flying Leads Plug&Play CV4109 - Premium 7308 E188CC CV4108 CV4110 type.
Flying Leads Plug&Play CV4086 - Premium EF86 6267 EF806S CV2901 CV4085 M8195 type.
Flying Leads Plug&Play CV4001 - Premium 6X4 CV493 EZ90 U78 CV4005 6063 6X4WA type.
NOS Tubes Pic Library
Top Sellers
Factory Direct -Adapters Socket Savers CV4033 CV4034 CV4035
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6DJ8 6922 7308 ECC88 E88CC E188CC CV2492 CV2493 CV4108 CV4110 E88CC_01 CV4109
Mullard E188CC 7308 - M. Pairs MINT NOS NIB 1970s - Early 80s Gold Pin RTC French Label - Mitcham Plant Gt. Britain
Matched Pair =
Stock Details:
Matched Pairs as Shown Available
Quantity in Stock:22
Product Code:
Technical Specs
NOTE: It will be safer to call these 1970s-early 1980s production. Date/Revision codes suggest that these could either be from 1970-1972 or 1980-1982 Mitcham production.
These tubes are one of a kind. No returns, exchanges or tube rolling at our expense.
Matched Pairs, Brand New in Box 1970s-Early 1980s Mullard E188CC 7308 Gold Pin Tubes with Dimple Disc Getter RTC France Label.
Same Revision VRI and Date Code VRI R0xx,
from Mitcham Plant. Made in Gt. Britain.
Well known for the rich Mullard Midrange.
Tubes were re-labeled by RTC France at a later date in 1980s.
Small amount of stray flashing on the sides is normal.
Stray flashing on R2xx production is heavier on the glass. These are NOT burn marks. Actually these tubes on average test higher than R0xx/R2xx production. Click Larger Picture for additional pictures.
For Dimple Disc Mullard E88CC/E188CC types, it is not a good idea to tap hard on the tubes. These tubes will ting when handled due to dimple disc getter construction.
Tested and matched on Top of the Line Calibrated
Hickok 580
Lab Grade Tester. New E188CC tests in the 10,500 - 11000 mmhos range.
All pairs measure between 11000-12500 mmhos on average.
Price = $340 per Matched Pair.
Matched Pairs, Brand New Mullard E188CC 7308 Gold Pin Tubes with Dimple Disc Getter RTC France Label. Same Revision VRI and Date Code VRI R0xx, R1xx or R2xx from Mitcham Plant. Made in Gt. Britain. Well known for the rich Mullard Midrange.
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Mullard CV4109 - Single Tube MINT NOS 1967 Premium Grade Long Life E188CC CV4108 7308 Halo Getter Mullard Mitcham Production - Gt. Britain (Plug and Play Ready to Use) - SLIM BASE FOR COLLARS - RUBBED LABEL
Tesla E88CC 6922 NOS (NOT JJ) - M. Pairs MINT NOS Early-Mid 1970s Military Gold Pin Tubes - Rožnov n.p. Závod Vrchlabí
Mullard CV4109 - MINT NOS 1967 Premium Grade Long Life E188CC CV4108 7308 Halo Getter Mullard Mitcham Production - Gt. Britain (Plug and Play Ready to Use) - Singles/M. Pairs/M. Quads - SLIM BASE FOR COLLARS - IMPERFECT LABELS
Mullard CV4109 - MINT NOS 1967 Premium Grade Long Life E188CC CV4108 7308 Halo Getter Mullard Mitcham Production - Gt. Britain (Plug and Play Ready to Use) - Singles/M. Pairs/M. Quads - SLIM BASE FOR COLLARS
Sale Price: $120.00
Matched Pair =
Sale Price: $110.00
Single Tube =
Tesla E88CC 6922 NOS (NOT JJ) - MINT NOS SEPT-1972 Gold Pin tubes with Gray Supports - Rožnov n.p. Závod Vrchlabí Czech - Same Date/Batch (Singles/M. Pairs)
Tungsram E88CC 6922 - MINT NOS Rare NOVEMBER-1979 HM Military - Hungary (Singles/Matched Pairs)
Tesla E88CC 6922 NOS (NOT JJ) - M. Pairs MINT NOS Mid 1970s Gold Pin tubes with Gray Supports - Rožnov n.p. Závod Vrchlabí
Single Tube =
Single Tube =
Matched Pair =
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Pre Tubes
6DJ8 6922 7308 ECC88 E88CC E188CC CV2492 CV2493 CV4108 CV4110 E88CC_01 CV4109
Pre Tubes
6DJ8 6922 7308 ECC88 E88CC E188CC CV2492 CV2493 CV4108 CV4110 E88CC_01 CV4109
7308 E188CC CV4108 CV4110 CV4109
PREM. 6DJ8 6922 7308 ECC88 E88CC E188CC CV2492 CV2493 CV4108 CV4110 E88CC_01 CV4109 7DJ8 PCC88
Pre Tubes